• N.Yu. Sopilko Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
  • V.V. Gorbacheva Group Companies “Glavstroy”, Moscow, Russia
  • V.V. Tumin Expert Council for the Development of the Digital Economy under the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Moscow, Russia


Continuous changes associated with the transition to a digital economy have a significant impact on the processes taking place in human resource management. HR analytics is becoming more and more popular, as it provides objective real-time data on the situation of the organization and enables quick adjustments in the improvement of work with personnel. HR analytics tools allow to analyze the accumulated data, conduct benchmarking in similar industries, determine the relationship between the factors affecting the performance of employees, as well as predict the personnel performance. HR managers gain more accurate, measurable and comparable data on human resources through developing and implementing efficient workforce analytics system. The purpose of the study is to consider the changes taking place in the activities of HR services in the context of digital transformation, as well as to develop a methodology for implementing HR analytics in the organization as one of the most important tools for measuring performance and forecasting changes in the field of human resources. The works of domestic authors devoted to the issues of HR-analytics and its relationship with the adoption of management decisions in the company are the methodological basis of the research. The analysis of the theoretical base involves the use of such methods as analysis of bibliographic sources, comparison, methods of systematization. As the main result, a methodology for implementing HR analytics in the organization, based on the collection and processing of big data using artificial intelligence and machine learning tools, was developed. Theoretical study in the field of personnel management allowed to identify the main objectives and directions of HR services development in the emergence of the digital space.

Keywords: HR analytics, artificial intelligence, digital transformation, HR benchmarking, HR metrics


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About the Authors

Natalya Yu. Sopilko – Dr. Sci. (Economics), Docent; Professor, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 8108-9066. ORCID: 0000-0002-1309-6553
Veronika V. Gorbacheva – Assessment and Training Specialist, Group Companies “Glavstroy”, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 5059-7293
Valeriy V. Tumin – Member of the Expert Council for the Development of the Digital Economy under the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0003-4804-8399

For citation: Sopilko N.Yu., Gorbacheva V.V., Tumin V.V. Methods of HR-Analytics Implementation in the Conditions of Digital Transformation // BENEFICIUM. 2022. Vol. 2(44). Pp. 105-109. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2022.2(44).105-109
