The purpose of the study is to provide guidance on identifying criteria that should be met in the course of agro-industrial priority development areas selection based on reclamation technologies. The Federal law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014, no. 473-FZ ‘On the priority development areas in the Russian Federation’ does not provide guidance on site selection, but the main requirement is the presence of investors. The main criteria for creating priority development areas on the territory of single-industry cities are outlined in the decree of the government of the Russian Federation No. 494 of April 26, 2017. Taking into account the specifics of agricultural and commercial activities and the industry growth prospects, these criteria were adopted as a basis for the agro-industrial priority development areas. Some supplementary criteria are divided into three groups: resource potential, logistics potential, and financial potential. Types of criteria for each of these groups have been identified that must be met in the course of choosing priority development areas in provinces with emphasis on farm-related and agricultural businesses. The list of selected specific criteria is compiled taking into account investment attractiveness and investment risks associated with both production specifics and territorial resources.
investment attractiveness of territories; selection criteria; reclamation technologies; land reclamation; rural settlements; priority development areas
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About the Author
Svetlana A. Manzhina – PhD in Technics, Docent; Senior Researcher, Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, Russia. E-mail: ORCID 0000-0001-9322-0843. SPIN РИНЦ 3829-3611
For citation:
Manzhina S.A. Agro-Industrial Priority Development Areas Selection Criteria Based on Reclamation Technologies // BENEFICIUM. 2020. No. 4 (37). pp. 28-39. (In Russ.). DOI: 28-39