The article studies the problem of regional disproportions within the system of obligatory medical insurance (OMI). Most financing for unemployed people still originates from regional and municipal budgets, thus creating an enormous burden for them, since most of them are subsidized by the federal budget. Purpose: to find out the current state of affairs with the contribution of insurance fees for unemployed people in Irkutsk region. Expenditures of the Russian Federation for health care and for the unemployed to OMI are considered; volume of payments for the unemployed of Irkutsk region is analysed together with such characteristics as the method of calculation, tariff policy, demographic processes; the receipt of intergovernmental transfers from the federal budget to the budget of Irkutsk region is characterized. Arguments for transferring payment for unemployed people to the federal level, including children and retired people are presented. Volume of payments is calculated; the conclusion has been made that the volume of subsidies has been reduced to replace the lost expenses for compulsory medical insurance; the arguments have been made that payments should not be transferred to the population. The commitment to pay unemployment insurance premiums is a complicated issue that involves inter-budget relations as well as socio-economic (such as budget deficit, unemployment), demographic problems (ageing of population, migration outflow) and also principles of the socially responsible state. However, a distinction should be made between state social policy and the regional development management paradigm. Russia is characterized by a huge territory, and its regions – by uneven economic development, which depends, primarily, on their resource and production potential. The mechanism of budget funds distribution needs to be improved.
demographic processes; legalization of self-employed individuals; inter-budget transfers; unemployed people; obligatory medical insurance (OMI); regional budget; insurance fee contribution; public health financing
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About the Author
Elizabeth A. Soboleva – Master; Baikal State University, Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail:
For citation:
Soboleva E.A. Financing Obligatory Medical Insurance: Contribution for Unemployed People // BENEFICIUM. 2020. № 4 (37). pp. 40-54. (In Russ.). DOI: