• M.Ya. Veselovsky LEONOV Moscow Region University of Technology, Korolev, Moscow Region, Russia
  • N.S. Khoroshavina LEONOV Moscow Region University of Technology, Korolev, Moscow Region, Russia
  • A.A. Vershinin LEONOV Moscow Region University of Technology, Korolev, Moscow Region, Russia


This article analyzes the results of the author’s research on the practical role of the innovative infrastructure of enterprises in the engineering industry in stimulating their innovative development. In the process of description and research, various well-known methods were used. The theoretical and practical aspects of the concept of “innovation infrastructure” are considered. The factors stimulating the innovative development of enterprises in the mechanical engineering industry are analyzed. Key barriers and problems hindering the development of enterprises in the mechanical engineering industry have been identified. The authors clarified the features faced by industrial mechanical engineering enterprises in modern economic conditions. The main approaches to managing the innovation infrastructure of enterprises in the mechanical engineering industry are considered using the example of a specific region and its impact on stimulating innovation activity. The work uses statistical data published in open sources. The authors revealed the main factors influencing the development of innovation infrastructure and analyzed the features of management of enterprises in the engineering industry. It has been established that the effectiveness of innovation infrastructure is predetermined by appropriate technologies, equipment, research and development programs that allow the production of innovative developments and stimulate the development of enterprises in the mechanical engineering industry in various regions. The problems faced by enterprises in the mechanical engineering industry of the Moscow region when forming an innovative infrastructure are studied in detail. Three high-tech mechanical engineering enterprises were selected as objects of research: JSC Metrovagonmash, JSC Kolomensky Plant and JSC Podolsk Machine-Building Plant. The main directions of their activities are described, the strengths and innovative achievements of each of the enterprises are considered.

Keywords: innovation activity, innovation infrastructure, innovative development, innovative developments, engineering industry, high-tech engineering enterprises


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About the Authors

Mikhail Y. Veselovsky – Dr. Sci. (Economics), Professor; Head of the Department, LEONOV Moscow Region University of Technology, Korolev, Moscow Region, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 8335-7740. ORCID 0000-0002-1078-3235. ResearcherID B-6487-2017. Scopus Author ID 56087785600
 Natalya S. Khoroshavina – Cand. Sci. (Economics), Docent; Associate Professor, LEONOV Moscow Region University of Technology, Korolev, Moscow Region, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 5560-2168. ORCID 0000-0002-6563-2047. Scopus Author ID 57190413941
Alexandr A. Vershinin – Graduate Student, LEONOV Moscow Region University of Technology, Korolev, Moscow Region, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 1441-3040. ORCID 0000-0002-1563-8483

For citation: Veselovsky M.Ya., Khoroshavina N.S., Vershinin A.A. Innovative Infrastructure as a Critical Basis for the Development of Mechanical Engineering Enterprises // Beneficium. 2024. Vol. 3(52). Pp. 6-13. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2024.3(52).6-13
