Order of Consideration of the Article

The receipt of the article is confirmed within 7 days after its arrival.

The article coming to the Journal “BENEFICIUM” Editorial team is considered by the Executive Secretary as matching the journal specialization, for borrowings from open sources (plagiarism) and formatting requirements.
The article further goes to the Editor-in-Chief who evaluates its scientific and linguistic and stylistic quality.
The Editorial team reserves the right to reject the articles submitted by the authors at the stage preceding the peer review, if there are good reasons for this:

  • the subject of the article does not correspond to the scientific directions of the Journal; 
  • the article was published earlier; 
  • the article contains plagiarism of data, ideas or fragments; 
  • the article contains obvious signs of low quality: the absence of a problematic field of research, a clear statement of goals and objectives, substantiation of the novelty of the research, a clear definition of the place of the proposed approaches and hypotheses in the “coordinate system” of existing research on the issues under study, reflection of a wide range of literature on the issue under consideration, reliability, validity of factual material, its representativeness, completeness, etc.;
  • there are numerous stylistic, syntactic, and grammatical errors in the article;
  • the article significantly violated the requirements for the design (volume and structure of the annotation, volume and structure of the study itself, References, etc.);
  • the article reveals a fundamental contradiction with the principles of publication ethics.

Two manuscripts submitted by the same author cannot be published in one issue or in two consecutive issues.

The Editorial team informs the author of the decision to reject the article at the stages preceding the review, specifying the reason, not later than 14 days after its receipt.

After the approval of the Editor-in-Chief, a “double-blind” review of the article is organized. The term for the article consideration should not exceed 30 days from the date of starting the reviewing process.

The articles with negative reviews are not published and not stored in the editorial office. The author of the rejected article is sent a motivated refusal by the Executive Secretary for issuing. The reviewer's name may be reported to the author provided that the former gives consent to it.

The journal only publishes the articles recommended by the reviewers. 
The Editor-in-Chief decides on the possibility of publication after a positive review. 

Articles are usually printed in the order they were received by the Editorial team. In exceptional cases, the Editorial Board / Editorial Council maintains the right to change the order of publication.
The Editor-in-Chief approves of the content of each issue.

All texts undergo stylistic and grammatical editing. The Editorial team does not engaged in bringing the articles to the required scientific and methodological level. The Editorial team does not enter into a meaningful discussion with the authors about articles and opinions of reviewers, doesn’t correspond on the methods of writing and design of works.

The authors assume responsibility for authenticity of the information presented in the article. The Editorial team is not responsible for inaccurate data in articles. Any violations of the copyright are prosecuted by law.

References to the Journal “BENEFICIUM” for citing are compulsory.