• Plotnikov V.A. Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia
  • Khalil M.R.A. Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia


The implementation of the state policy for the development of the green economy is a new phenomenon for Russia. This requires an adequate restructuring of the public administration system. In this regard, the aim of the study is to come up with recommendations for improving the organizational support of the state policy for the development of the green economy. The object of study is the Russian economy and the structure of the system for managing its functioning, fixed in the system of public administration bodies. The organizational basis for the development and implementation of public policy in all areas, including in the field of regulating the green economy and promoting sustainable development, is the structure of public administration bodies. Through the activities of various government ministries, committees, services, agencies, etc. the implementation of public policy is being done. The analysis showed that the organizational structure of management, through which the implementation of state policy in Russia is implemented, is very ‘non-canonical’ and contradictory. When forming the structure of the modern Russian government, according to the authors, a scientific approach to organizational design was not used, which creates the prerequisites for the ineffective implementation of public policy. The authors conducted a study of the functions and tasks of public authorities at the federal level, with a view to reflecting in them elements of a sustainable development policy and the formation of a green economy in Russia. Based on this, it was concluded that this direction of state policy does not have adequate organizational and institutional consolidation. Therefore, it seems appropriate to create at the federal level a special body with consultative status, responsible for developing recommendations on regulating sustainable development and supporting the green economy, as well as providing information and analytical support for the adoption of relevant decisions. The authors propose the development of a management system and the implementation of public policy based on the introduction of elements of a project and matrix approach to organizational design. In particular, it is proposed to create an interdepartmental commission under the Government of the Russian Federation to implement a policy of sustainable development and the formation of a green economy. This commission should include not only representatives of all ministries, but also representatives of business, the scientific, and educational community, non-profit environmental and green organizations. The implementation of the authors’ proposals will create prerequisites for improving the organizational support of the state policy for the development of the green economy in Russia.

Keywords: public policy; green economy; organizational structure of government; governing bodies; public administration; sustainable development.


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Vladimir A. Plotnikov – Doctor of Economics, Professor; Professor, Department of Regional Economics and Management, Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia. E-mail: ORСID 0000-0002-3784-6195. SPIN РИНЦ 4075-8257.
Musab R.A. Khalil – Graduate Student, Department of Regional Economics and Management, Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia. E-mail:

For citation:
Plotnikov V.A., Khalil M.R.A. State Policy of the Green Economy Development (Issues of Organizational Support) // BENEFICIUM. 2020. No. 1 (34). pp. 46-56. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2020.1(34).46-56.
