• Shmakov V.S. Institute of Philosophy and Law Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia


The article shows that rural local communities are in the process of transformation, the course and patterns of which are determined by the functional features of development. The functional approach provides an opportunity to differentiate the main trends that determine the dynamics of the development of rural communities at the stages of the reformation of the agro-industrial complex. Differentiation of functions allows us to characterize the internal relationships between production, economic, sociocultural, and institutional processes. The establishment of functional relationships of the elements of the system contributes to the development of a branched typology of socio-economic structures of rural development. The functional features of the evolution of rural communities determine the direction of development of rural communities and contribute to the unification of adaptation models. The process of polarization of the socio-economic space leads to segmentation of a monogenic socio-economic field. Clusters of innovative transformations that create an archipelago structure, distinctive latifundia are distinguished. In economic terms, the model is based on the economics of agricultural holdings and farming. Rural communities that do not fall into the system of structural transformations form de-gradient territories. In the course of socio-economic reforms, an innovative adaptation model is emerging, characterized by an active type of socio-economic behavior. Villagers are increasingly becoming wage earners. Rural local communities are in a crisis of development or in a state of transformation. Its course and patterns are determined by factors of the national and global level. The situation of rural communities is rather unstable. Ongoing functional changes have a formative effect on the development of rural local communities. The distinguished evolution models determine the entire system of life. Two multidirectional adaptation models are taking shape: community integration into the system of large agricultural enterprises and the desire to preserve the ethos of the peasantry. The determination of the local functional features of rural development can be used in the development of effective programs and forecast scenarios of agricultural development.

Keywords: agricultural policy; agro-industrial complex; transformation models; rural local communities.


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For citation:
Shmakov V.S. Functional Features of Models of Development of Rural Local Communities // BENEFICIUM. 2020. No. 2 (35). pp. 25-34. (In Russ.). DOI:


Vladimir S. Shmakov – Doctor of Philosophy, Docent; Leading Researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Law of Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:
SPIN РИНЦ 7201-4753.
