• Izmaylov M.K. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia


The article presents the results of the comparative analysis of the main characteristics of modern EAM systems (Enterprise Asset Management System) of both Russian and foreign production. The study has shown that the functionality of modern EAM systems has expanded significantly, beyond the scope of maintenance and repair of fixed assets. The modern EAM strategy implies a systematic and coordinated activity of the enterprise, aimed at optimum management of physical assets and their operating modes, to manage risks and expenses throughout the entire life cycle to achieve and implement strategic plans. The article identifies the main technical and economic benefits from the introduction of EAM systems at enterprises: improving safety, increasing productivity, reducing repair time, reducing capital costs, reducing equipment maintenance costs, etc. A summary comparative table is presented that reflects the main characteristics of the EAM-systems: Seascape, Galaxy EAM, NERPA EAM, TRIM, SAP Asset Intelligence Network, Oracle EAM, Ellipse EAM, Maximo. It was determined that the functionality of domestic and foreign EAM systems as a whole is generally similar. The conclusion is based on the fact that, despite all the advantages of foreign companies, the use of Russian-made EAM systems has a number of advantages for domestic business, making it possible to take into account its specificity; integrating with other information systems, having the capabilities to ensure the system’s operability in the context of underdeveloped information systems, including means to support users in geographically distributed networks with poor quality communication channels; etc.

Keywords: automation; information systems; maintenance and repair of fixed assets; asset management; EAM-systems.


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Maxim K. Izmaylov – Assistant Lecturer, Graduate School of Business and Management, Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 7654-8818.

For citation:
Izmaylov M.K. Comparative Analysis of Modern EAM-Systems Used in Russian and Foreign Practice // BENEFICIUM. 2020. No. 2 (35). pp. 35-42. (In Russ.). DOI:

