• Doronenko M.V. LLC “URL”, Saint Petersburg, RussiaLLC “URL”, Saint Petersburg, Russia


The article considers the problem of searching and identifying the competencies of economically active population in the digital economy. These competencies are presented as a set of components, allocated on the basis of compliance with the requirements of modern society in their evolutionary sequence. The subject of study is the category of “digital economy competences”. The study is aimed at finding the components of the “competences” category and construct a model of the digital economy competences. The conclusion about the necessary and sufficient competences for the digital economy labor market is made. The hypothesis of the study suggests that the identification of the core competencies will produce a model of competencies that will meet the requirements of the external environment and population expectations. The study is based on an analysis of the scientific literature and statistical analysis using the categorical method “Finite Information Flow”. The following results were obtained in the course of the study: 1) key competencies of the digital economy were identified; 2) obtained competencies are presented in the form of a model, which reflects the formation and development of competencies in accordance with the professional and qualification structure of the organization; 3) the obtained model of competencies reflects the evolutionary nature of the system and includes four logical levels of development. The areas of the results applicability lie in the further study of the mechanism of formation and development of competencies in a digital environment, structural relations between the elements of the object, as well as factors and conditions for the successful transition to a digital economy, risks and consequences of digital transformation for the labor market.


“finite information flow” categorical method, competencies, professional and qualification structure, digital economy


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About the Author

Maria V. Doronenko – Chief Accountant, LLC “URL”, Saint Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: ORCID 0000-0001-9932-9567

For citation

Doronenko M.V. Identification and Evolution of Competencies in the Digital Economy Labor Market // BENEFICIUM. 2021. Vol. 2(39). Pp. 12-20. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2021.2(39).12-20
