• Kholodov O.A. Rostov State University of Economics


The article considers the issue of finding and applying a methodology that allows to objectively assess the possible growth horizonsof agribusiness entities of various management forms production and economic indicators. It is noted that with the development of organizational and legal forms in the agricultural sector of the economy, there is a need for an objective assessment of their effectiveness and the search for a performance improvement reserve, since the internal organizational and economic mechanism used at enterprises of various management forms affects the efficiency and competitive advantages of modern agricultural organizations. The article attempts to determine the potential for increasing the efficiency of agricultural enterprises of various management forms using cluster analysis tools (through the use STATISTICA 13 software). Using the methodology developed by the author for calculating the integral indicator of the agricultural enterprises development potential within the framework of organizational and legal management forms on the basis of clustering, the existence of a potential opportunity to increase the efficiency indicators of enterprises of all the studied management forms is proved. At the same time, distinctive characteristics of the economic efficiency growth potential of various management forms have been identified. The presented algorithm for analyzing the effectiveness of organizational and legal forms in agriculture and the potential for its growth can be used by agribusiness managers, researchers and specialists of the agricultural sector. The method has been developed by the author as part of the dissertation research for the Doctor of Economics degree.


clustering, organizational and legal forms, Rostov region, agriculture, agricultural enterprise, performance efficiency


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About the author

Oleg А. Kholodov – PhD in Economic, Docent; Associate Professor, Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 3377-9199. ORCID 0000-0002-3629-8086

For citation

Kholodov O.A. Methodology for Determining the Economic Efficiency Potential Growth of Agricultural Enterprises of Various Management Forms // BENEFICIUM. 2021. Vol. 3(40). Pp. 69-75. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2021.3(40).69-75
