• Parshukov A.E. Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia


The article raises and examines the personnel problem that accompanies the development of the digital economy – the so-called “clip thinking” of modern youth. This phenomenon is associated with the weak attention concentration of the majority of “Generation Z” representatives, which in the context of vocational training reduces the quality of specialist training, and from the personnel management point of view, subsequently leads to a significant increase in the number of specialists with unformed professional competencies in the labor market and, accordingly, to the emergence of serious problems with the formulating and implementingthe organizations current and project tasks.The article discusses the results of two studies conducted by the author. The results of “Research No. 1” aimed at assessing the level of university students’ attentiveness has shown that even with a high degree of interest in the educational process, only 29.6% of them carefully study the incoming information and remember it. Taking the low concentration of students' attention into account, the second research task was set to study the possibility and effectiveness of the implementing interactive macropauses, used mainly in business trainings, in the process of university students’ classroom teaching (“Research No. 2”). As a result, more than 65% of theexperiment participants have considered that interactive macropauses had a positive effect on cognitive activity, more than 70% noted their positive effect on the emotional state. The best effect is achieved if the following recommendations are observed: it is necessary to explain the purpose and the expected effect of using macropause to the audience; the choice of the macropause application moment is determined individually in each case with each group of participants; the duration of the macropause should be no more than 10 minutes, regardless of whether the “game” was over or not; in view of the limited possibilities of using physical activity in a university classroom, the applied macropauses should be simple, but effective; at the first meeting with the audience, macro pauses should not be used. The results obtained by the author can be transmitted into the educational practice of Russian universities in order to increase the efficiency of organizing the training process.


university, interactive pause, training, psychological factors, digital economy, learning efficiency


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About the author

Aleksey E. Parshukov – PhD in Economics; Assistant Lecturer, Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: flowprof@gmail.com. SPIN РИНЦ 5671-1694. ORCID 0000-0002-2010-1269

For citation

Parshukov A.E. Opportunities to Improve the Efficiency of Organizing the LearningProcess in the Context of Digital Transformation // BENEFICIUM. 2021. Vol. 3(40). Pp. 90-96. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2021.3(40).90-96
