• I.S. Zuntova Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, Belgorod, Russia
  • A.S. Troshin Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, Belgorod, Russia


Modern tools to stimulate the development of student technological entrepreneurship are aimed at enhancing and promoting the contribution of universities in achieving national goals and implementing the priorities of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation. Such effective tools, such as "Startup as a Diploma", student startups, startup studios, are aimed at increasing the share of technological entrepreneurship in Russian universities. There is a real reason to believe that due to the measures of state support to unlock scientific and technological potential of students with active participation of mentors-teachers and with involvement of specialists from high-tech companies will ensure the implementation of all national projects of Russia. Obviously, in order to solve the problem of accelerated development of the economy priority areas, it is necessary to ensure the interaction of technological development institutions with universities, the state and regional entrepreneurship. The article presents the data of the survey on the interest of undergraduate and graduate students in technological entrepreneurship. It proposes a self-developing ecosystem: applicant-student-university-region. Generalized recommendations on improving digital engineering competencies of students and scientific potential of universities in order to create marketable products are given. It can be noted that the university is a key platform where future young professionals and scientists can form the necessary entrepreneurial skills and, during their studies, implement technological solutions in production, aimed at forming a pool of promising startup projects to ensure economic security and technological sovereignty of the country.

Keywords: innovation potential, entrepreneurial university, startup, technological entrepreneurship, forms of entrepreneurial support


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About the Authors

Irina S. Zuntova - Сandidate for a degree, Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, Belgorod, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 4763-6929. ORCID 0000-0002-5852-2296

Alexander S. Troshin - Dr. Sci. (Economics), Docent; Head of Department, Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, Belgorod, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 3792-7903. ORCID 0000-0001-8910-7282. ResearcherID М-2277-2016. Scopus Author ID 56669519200

For citation: Zuntova I.S., Troshin A.S. Tools for Stimulating Innovation Activity of Student Technological Entrepreneurship // BENEFICIUM. 2022. Vol. 4(45). Pp. 11-17. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2022.4(45).11-17


