• E.V. Pisareva Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia


The modern economy is based on many fundamental sciences and directions, marketing is no exception in this regard. The relevance of the issue of communication of all market participants with each other with economic benefit becomes even more obvious when economic conditions are not only unstable, but also aggressive, hypertrophied plastic, deformed in different industries and spheres of activity. The purpose of the article is to highlight the problem of integration of marketing communications in the current conditions of development of economic relations of regional market entities. The tasks are based on understanding the essence of marketing activities, the importance of communication with the market and the formation of modern economic interactions adapted to new market conditions. The study of regional problems of marketing activities and, as a consequence, the integration of marketing communications, through monitoring information in the media and open Internet resources, allowed us to conclude that the failure of enterprises of the Rostov region and Rostov-on-Don from the integration of marketing communications is ineffective. Since the service sector, which cannot function spontaneously without marketing planning and establishing long-term and cost-effective links with target audiences, is actually the basis of the regional economy, the author proposes a systematic approach to integrating marketing communications. The practical significance of the study is justified by the flexibility of a systematic approach to the development of integration of marketing communications in all areas of regional business, taking into account its needs, specifics and antidifferentiated marketing strategies. The author's algorithm has been tested in 35 companies in the region, which characterizes it positively and can become the basis for integrating marketing communications to the marketing activities of diverse enterprises in the region.

Keywords: integration of marketing communications, a destabilized economy, marketing communications integration algorithm, a five-step integration sequence


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About the Author

Ekaterina V. Pisareva – Dr. Sci. (Economics); Professor, Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 9852-4620. ORCID 0000-0002-2533-1303. Scopus Author ID 57207889426

For citation: Pisareva E.V. Problems of Integration of Marketing Communications in the Context of the Regional Economy Destabilization // BENEFICIUM. 2022. Vol. 4(45). Pp. 59-64. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2022.4(45).59-64

