• N.R. Khachaturyan Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia


The creation of a university brand in modern social, economic and political conditions is becoming a strategically important step aimed at forming the competitive advantages of a certain university and broadcasting them not only to the target audience, but also to the entire university community interested in the development of the university's educational activities. The purpose of the article is to highlight the highly competitive advantages of a regional university, which reflect the nature of its brand in the minds of consumers of higher education services. The research hypothesis of the study can be based on the statement that the university brand is the nature of its ecosystem, the accumulation of components of which creates those unique advantages that contribute to detuning from competitors and creating a new educational space with its own identification, visualization, innovation and progressiveness. Monitoring the ratings of regional universities was the basis for a comparative analysis of the brand character of the Rostov State University of Economics, during which it has been found that this university has a clear professional identification, an educational construct, but does not have the brand character in its own ecosystem. This link in the ecosystem of the analyzed university requires adjustments and intensification against the background of stronger universities in the region. Along with this, the concept of "the nature of the university brand", which represents the depth and breadth of the brand integrated into the ecosystem not only of a particular university, but also of the entire scientific, research and educational community of the region, has been supplemented. The author's structure of brand characteristics has been presented for discussion as an infographic – a study of the dependence of changes, development, perception and broadcasting of the brand of the analyzed university. The findings of the study have been included in the author’s course of the “Fundamentals of Branding” discipline.

Keywords: infographics, competitiveness, university brand formation, the nature of the university brand


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About the Author

Narine R. Khachaturyan – Cand. Sci. (Economics); Associate Professor, Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: Narinehachaturyan@mail.ru. SPIN РИНЦ 8967-3435. ORCID 0000-0001-6974-7100

For citation: Khachaturyan N.R. On the Issue of the University Brand Formation as an Indicator of its Competitiveness // BENEFICIUM. 2022. Vol. 4(45). Pp. 73-78. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2022.4(45).73-78
