• E.S. Volkova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg Branch, Saint Petersburg, Russia


The article considers the methodology of determining the strategic position of the enterprise in the market space. The different authors’ approaches to building the process of solving analytical task on identification of internal and external factors, prospects for the company further strategic development have been studied. Matrix and other methods that allow drawing conclusions on the current situation have been singled out. The value of intelligence techniques as an important part of the process of researching the competitors’ actions for identifying the expected steps on their part to strengthen its own position that will allow to understand the necessary steps to maintain a stable market position of the company, or its further strengthening is indicated. The importance of using artificial intelligence and other modern technologies providing additional insights in the strategic analysis of the company’s current position in the market is emphasized. The steps which should be taken to carry out the strategic analysis of the enterprise’s position are specified. The study of strategic position on the example of Joint Stock Company “Peterburgsky Traktorny Zavod” is conducted and the optimal strategy for further development of the company is formulated. The exceeding influence of strengths over weaknesses has been determined, indicating a formed high-quality internal environment, which, in turn, allows us to count on the favorable position of the company in the long term. On the other hand, the level of threats compared to the level of opportunities is higher in terms of their likelihood and impact. This requires management, first of all, to focus on the use of available tools to minimize risks of a technical, financial, production nature, which will ensure the preservation of a significant market position of the enterprise. It has been revealed that in spite of difficult conditions for foreign economic activity the optimal strategy of further development is still investment and growth.

Keywords: external factors, internal factors, opportunities, matrix analysis, reserves, strategic position, strategic analysis


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About the Author

Elvira S. Volkova - Cand. Sci. (Economics); Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg Branch, Saint Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 2427-7314. ORCID 0000-0001-9227-4065

For citation:VolkovaE.S.Methodology for Analyzing the Strategic Position of Large Industrial Enterprises on the Example of Peterburgsky Traktorny Zavod JSC// BENEFICIUM. 2023. Vol.1(46). Pp. 74-79. (InRuss.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2023.1(46).74-79
