• Zh.A. Bukharina Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, Veliky Novgorod, Russia


The article considers the processes of formation of regulatory and legal framework of educational services market, taking the national features of industry institutions development into account. The need to reform the education management system by changing the legal norms and educational environment considering the experience of developed countries has been revealed. The education system in the current, thriving society provides the formation of new human qualities, knowledge and skills, which determine the degree of quality education and development of the country. The state program, which is operating in modern conditions in the Russian Federation and is aimed at improving the education system in the country. The increase of general education level should result in creating a general education system which will correspond to European norms and standards. Rapid development of technologies and global computerization provide new opportunities for development of educational activities. The article examines the need and importance of formation of a national education system, which would consider domestic trends in the field of creating a market of electronic educational services, available to all Russian citizens, taking their capabilities and desires into account. The problems existing in the educational system have been highlighted. Experts’ opinions on the prospects of domestic higher education development in connection with withdrawal from the Bologna process have been studied. The problem-oriented and project-oriented approaches to student learning have been considered. The author highlights the processes of development of educational services market in the countries of Northern Europe and the USA in the field of education management decentralization and formation of the common educational space that provides access to information resources for all participants. The article considers the peculiarity of unequal development of educational services availability at different levels of education. The necessity of combining a centralized approach with decentralization of the market of educational services has been determined, considering the formation of equality of territorial provision with human capital. When studying the market of educational services, the features of national education have been considered with adequate borrowing of foreign experience.

Keywords: foreign experience in education management, information environment of education, regulatory support of the educational process, the market of educational services, education management


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About the Author

Zhanna A. Bukharina – External Doctoral Candidate, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, Veliky Novgorod, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 8404-3823. ORCID 0009-0004-4342-8186. ResearcherID HZK-5260-2023. Scopus Author 278641

For citation: Bukharina Zh.A. Current Trends in Russian Education // BENEFICIUM. 2023. Vol. 1(46). Pp. 9-13. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2023.1(46).9-13
