• M.V. Vasilyeva


The work systematizes and defines the role of anti-corruption policy for the harmonious development of society and security of the national economy. Relevance of the research topic is confirmed by the state’s demand for improving the effectiveness of anti-corruption policy in the customs sphere, it is necessary to assess the factors determining the formation of anti-corruption behavior model of representatives of state structures. The author emphasizes the importance of using the experience of the international customs community, including in the format of the regulatory framework: the Arusha Declaration, the Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate International Trade, PICARD educational standards. The article presents the potential of applied tools for controlling the activities of customs officials in Russia with a focus on national regulations and digital services. The materials include the results of theoretical and analytical and practical studies of the influence of factors on the formation of anti-corruption behavior of customs officials, an assessment of the strategic priorities of the customs service in the context of anti-corruption goals and measures is given. Particular attention is paid to IT-technologies in the customs sphere, assessing their potential in counteracting and preventing corruption. The author compares the sources of corruption and specifies the digital tools of customs administration as applied to the leveling of these risks on the basis of the map of corruption risks and measures to minimize them. The author proposes a behavior model of customs officials, including the estimated values of the influence of environmental factors. It is concluded that the further development of digital services to reduce corruption risks is important, but along with the technical approach, it is necessary to increase attention to the educational work in the customs authorities and expand anti-corruption education in the state as a whole.

Keywords: anti-corruption policy, behavior model of an official, customs authorities, digitalization


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About the Author

Mariya V. Vasilyeva – Cand. Sci. (Economics), Docent; Associate Professor, Pskov State University, Pskov, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 7697-2360. ORCID 0000-0002-8643-2036

For citation: Vasilyeva M.V. Anti-corruption Behavior Model of Customs Officials: Assessing the Impact of Digital Tools // BENEFICIUM. 2023. Vol. 2(47). Pp. 80-88. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2023.2(47).80-88
