• A.V. Kalmykou Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Republic of Belarus


Ensuring the growth of the economy of Belarus provides for sustainable socio-economic development of administrative districts, which significantly increases the level of income and quality of life of the population. The main trigger for the development of administrative districts is the increase in the eco-nomic efficiency of the functioning of their agro-production cluster, which consists of agricultural organizations and food and light industry processing enterprises. As a result of the research, a comprehensive methodology for optimizing the agro-production cluster of administrative districts has been developed, including a three-level economic and mathematical model in which all agricultural organizations, on-farm production units and processing enterprises are represented as separate blocks, including components in the form of restrictions of the main and connecting blocks. The objective function of the model is designed to determine the maximum gross value added. The model was tested on the example of the agro-industrial cluster of the Gorki administrative district of the Mogilev region of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter – Gorki district), which includes 8 agricultural organizations and a milk processing enterprise, the butter and cheese plant OJSC Molochny Gorki. During the calculations, the substantiation of the prospective crop yields and annual livestock productivity in the farms of the Gorki district was per-formed using correlation models. The optimal number of livestock and sown areas of commercial crops have been calculated. The reserves for the growth of production volumes and economic efficiency of the functioning of the agro-production cluster and the Gorki district have been determined.

Keywords: agricultural production cluster, gross value added, methodology for optimizing, production structure, economic efficiency


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About the Author

Aliaksei V. Kalmykou – Cand. Sci. (Economics), Docent; Head of Department, Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Republic of Belarus. E-mail: Alex_2704@mail.ru. SPIN РИНЦ 4454-9893

For citation: Kalmykou A.V. A Comprehensive Methodology for Optimizing the Agro-Production Cluster Administrative Districts of the Republic of Belarus // Beneficium. 2023. Vol. 3(48). Pp. 53-61. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2023.3(48).53-61

