• L.A. Romanova Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russia


In the conditions of formation of innovative economy and its reorientation from raw materials to diversified production, it is necessary to solve the issues related to the definition of factors affecting the innovation process. The innovation environment can be formed in the sub-objects in which the sub-processes of birth, development and implementation of innovations take place. In the interuniversity campus these processes are united, i.e. the innovation environment is formed. In this connection it is relevant to study its influence on the development of the region and the city. Research objectives: to formulate the definition of the concept of "innovation environment", to identify the factors that shape it, to compare them with the indicators of achieving the goals of sustainable development of regions and cities. Such research methods as analysis and comparison of the regulatory framework, scientific sources, synthesis, classification and typification are applied in this work. The paper systematically considers the concept of "innovation environment", presents the types of objects of campus innovation environment, the relationship between the factors of campus innovation environment and subjects of innovation infrastructure. The study reveals the relationship between the environmental component of sustainable development and the factors of innovation environment, such as production, innovation infrastructure, information and political and between the quality of urban environment and social, information factors. The economic component is influenced by environmental factors related to the production and commercialization of innovations. In the future, the built theoretical model can be empirically substantiated on the example of individual regions, which, among other things, will make it possible to identify factors and conditions that reduce or enhance the impact of the campus innovation environment on the external environment.

Keywords: innovation institutions, innovation environment, innovation cycle, urban environment quality, interuniversity campus, spatial economy, university, sustainable development, environmental factors


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About the Author

Liudmila A. Romanova – Cand. Sci. (Economics); Associate Professor, Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russia. E-mail: SPINРИНЦ 3972-6765. ORCID 0000-0002-7659-105X. Scopus Author ID 57485322700

For citation: Romanova L.A. Impact of the Innovative Environment of the Interuniversity Campus on the Development of the Region and the City // Beneficium. 2023. Vol.3(48). Pp. 62-68. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2023.3(48).62-68

