• T.I. Melnik Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia


Currently, in modern society, the purchase of certain brands provides an individual with social interaction, serves to correlate their own actions with the actions of the desired social groups, brands serve as agents of socialization, and the possession of certain brands becomes a tool for joining certain communities and at the same time a means of distancing from other communi-ties. In addition, brands initiate the transformation of the existing value system in society. The article considers technological and socio-cultural changes leading to the formation of new post-material values in society. The purpose of the work is to identify a set of modern communication technologies that allow domestic companies to more successfully implement their own projects. To achieve this goal, the author solved the following tasks: technological and socio-cultural changes leading to the formation of new post-material values in society were considered; the relationship between the ongoing changes and the transformation of consumer behavior and marketing communications was shown; the positive practice of attracting attention to a particular social problem by a particular brand was identified and analyzed. As a result of the research, the author considered the communication campaigns of famous brands, which were able to change the society's views on behavioral models, consciousness and worldview of people. The author's contribution consists in highlighting, based on the analysis, the main social problems to which modern brand communications are devoted: problems of climate change (including environmental protection, maintaining sustainable development as a result of abandoning the use of plastic packaging, recycling, carbon neutrality, etc., reducing emissions, rational use of natural resources and the introduction of innovative practices and technologies, responsible consumption in general); problems of gender inequality; problems of stereotypes in the perception of appearance; problems of timely diagnosis of diseases and attention to the state of one's health in general. The result of the analysis was the identification of the necessary conditions for the success of the brand's communication campaign: connection with the brand's field of activity, its philosophy and values, the brand's own vision of ways to solve the social problem identified by it, etc., as a set of procedures (an interconnected sequence of actions) of communication technologies.

Keywords: brand communications, marketing communications, consumer behavior, social communication, socio-psychological values of consumers


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About the Author

Tatiana I. Melnik – Cand. Sci. (Economics), Docent; Associate Professor, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 4177-9009. ORCID 0000-0003-0747-8253. Scopus Author ID 547407

For citation: Melnik T.I. Sociocultural Impact of Brand Communication Campaigns: Positive Practice // Beneficium. 2023. Vol. 4(49). Pp. 57-63. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2023.4(49).57-63

