• S.A. Bannikov Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


The urgent need for the transition of the Russian economy to a new technological structure under the influence of the current geopolitical and economic-political situation, as well as the strengthening of import substitution processes, poses the task of a qualitative breakthrough in the introduction of modern processes in industrial production and in the economy as a whole. The general process of the fourth industrial revolution involves the widespread introduction of robotic, automated systems, and artificial intelligence, linked into single complexes interconnected by communications and cloud storage systems. On the one hand, this process can lead to a massive release of labor resources from traditional blue-collar professions. From another point of view, it creates a large number of new professions to serve new directions and solve new problems. However, the answer to the question of the economic feasibility of introducing such technologies is not clearly positive. And here there can be quite unexpected results when the seemingly obvious benefits from the implementation of certain modern solutions of the sixth technological order for specific organizations or industries are not confirmed. In our work, we use surveys of Russian companies for 2022 to assess the current stage of implementation of production and digital technologies. It has been established that the introduction of modern solutions that lead to the transition to a new technological structure is, in some cases, characterized by a negative effect and lack of improvements in labor productivity. Our observation contradicts the generally accepted idea that automation, digitalization and robotization will lead to the release of a significant number of workers. Moreover, among the key reasons hindering the implementation of advanced technologies, companies cite the lack of qualified personnel and the inability to hire employees with the required level of knowledge and skills. In other words, we are observing a shortage of highly qualified employees against the backdrop of a rather contradictory effect of innovation in terms of freeing up labor. The introduction of technologies such as artificial intelligence or the Internet of things in most cases is characterized by the absence of a positive impact on the efficiency of internal processes and labor productivity. Our observations lead to the conclusion that there is no prospect of a labor surplus in the labor market due to the ongoing processes of the fourth industrial revolution according to Schwab.

Keywords: advanced production technologies, development prospects, digitalization, efficiency, feasibility, labor productivity, surveys


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About the Author

Sergey A. Bannikov – Cand. Sci. (Economics), Docent; Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 9726-6857. ORCID 0000-0002-6418-0034. Scopus Author ID 57205360791

For citation: Bannikov S.A. Advanced Production Technologies in Russia: Assessment of their Impact on Labor Productivity and Efficiency of the Production Process by the Companies // Beneficium. 2024. Vol. 2(51). Pp. 6-14. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2024.2(51).6-14
