• A.N. Fomina Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VGTRK State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Bryansk, Bryansk, Russia


At the present stage of digital transformation of society, more and more industries and enterprises are showing interest in virtual and augmented reality technologies (VR and AR), which, along with artificial intelligence, Big Data, and cloud technologies, are a promising direction for innovative development of all spheres of the economy. Virtual and augmented reality technologies are widely used in the creative industries. The purpose of the study is aimed at identifying and systematizing the functionality of VR and AR technologies for the digital television industry and its main actors: television companies, journalists and viewers. The article analyzes and summarizes the results of foreign and domestic research in the field of implementation and development of VR and AR technologies, characterizes the typological features of immersive technologies, examines the formats of immersive content, updates the requirements for the production of VR projects, identifies and summarizes the main problems and risks associated with the use of these technologies. Based on the research conducted, the author formulated recommendations for improving the practice of implementing and developing VR and AR technology in the digital television industry. The novelty of the research lies in the identification and systematization of the functionality of VR and AR technologies for the creative sector of the economy - the television industry. The article concludes that the functionality of VR and AR technologies has a significant impact on the digital transformation of the television industry, enriches it with innovative technologies, opens up new prospects and opportunities for television and journalists, radically changes the future of television companies, making their future more interesting and accessible for viewers, meet their needs and modern innovative trends of technological progress. The article may be useful to students, graduate students and doctoral students involved in the digital development of creative industries, as well as media researchers and media experts.

Keywords: virtual and augmented reality, virtual environment, immersive content, television industry, television channels, VR and AR devices, VR projects


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About the Author

Alexandra N. Fomina – Cand. Sci. (Economics); TV news correspondent, Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VGTRK State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Bryansk, Bryansk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 2613-1180. ORCID 0000-0001-6536-7135

For citation: Fomina A.N. Innovative Discourse of Television Industry Development: Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies // Beneficium. 2024. Vol. 2(51). Pp. 88-97. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2024.2(51).88-97
