Article Submission Rules

Articles are sent in e-version through the «make a submission» option on the Journal’s website or by

Correspondence and submission of all documents is done by

The editors expect to receive the following documents:
1) an e-version of your article in MS Word (in Russian or English or German languages);
2) Authors Credentials;
3) License Agreement*.

* In accordance with the International and Russian Law on the copyright protection, scientific works (articles) are given juridical defense. They represent the results of intellectual activities – the object of the copyright. The person(s) who created a work of science is (are) admitted the (co)author(s) of the intellectual activities result.
To make the cooperation easier, please send the License Agreement simultaneously with the manuscript to the editorial office in the form of a PDF document (in Russian language). The License Agreement has to be completed and signed with an electronic signature for each author (co-author, copyright holder) separately. Follow the Instruction for filling out and signing a License Agreement.
We would like to remind you that the present License Agreement comes into force on the occasion that the article is accepted for publication. In case the Materials are not accepted for publication the Agreement expires automatically. It is the exclusive right of the Journal editorial board to make decision about acceptance of the article for publication. Signing of the License Agreement by the author(s) means that the author(s) familiarize with and agree to the terms of the License Agreement.