Socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have given boost to the accelerated e-commerce development all over the civilized world in several directions at once. The relevance of the research presented in the article is that the need for timely adaptation of Russian manufacturers and sellers to changes in the competitive environment and consumer market. Its purpose is to describe current trends in e-commerce and develop recommendations to improve the efficiency of its organization and conduct at the level of business entities, taking the analysis of existing and future risks into account. The initial data base for the applied research was the content of such digital tools of the problematic e-commerce field as Oberlo, Data Insight, Saylor Academy, VC.ru, LeadStartup, Digital Doughnut, BigCommerce and others. The author cites the following modern e-commerce trends as a guide for subjects of the electronic market seeking to maintain (and, ideally, improve) their positions: the rapid growth of global and Russian E-commerce market turnover, the preferential transition to D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) sales, increasing opportunities for barrier-free market entry by offers, the introduction of client data platforms, the increasing popularity of marketplaces, providing a technological omnichannel shopping experience, the growth of “voice shopping”, logistics optimization with a view to optimize the quality of purchases, and the development of new products. The main advantages and risks of e-commerce tactics have been defined and characterized, according to which recommendations are given, contributing to the creation of conditions for the effective development of e-commerce business, in particular, the use of professional full-fledged websites, selling products through messengers and social networks (especially for small businesses), increasing consumer confidence in content by filling information gaps with real customers’ feedback and involving “trusted people” in sales, investments in automation and digitalization of all manufacturers’ business processes, Internet-marketing development, etc. It is assumed that further digital transformation will lead to the e-commerce scaling and allow actors following its development trends to reach a whole new level of efficiency.
Internet, e-commerce market, digital economy, e-commerce, e-business
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About the Author
Elena V. Zenkina – Doctor of Economics, Docent; Head of the Department, Russian State University For The Humanities, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: evzenkina@mail.ru. SPIN РИНЦ 6071-7479. ORCID 0000-0003-2192-4715
For citation
Zenkina E.V. About Current Trends in Global E-Commerce // BENEFICIUM. 2022. Vol. 1(42). Pp. 68-73. DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2022.1(42).68-73