The article reveals an approach to the selection and design of marketing policies to support the development of international medical tourism services as a new autonomously managed product in the structure of medical care of a general hospital. The study of scientific discussion shows the key problems and challenges for the development of medical tourism today. Marketing policy is considered as a way to differentiate from competitors and create a value proposition for the target audience success-fully. The article demonstrates that a specific functional policy with a focus on selected tools can be applied to implement a growth strategy. In the study suggested about the leading role of promotion tools and customer support in the content of marketing policy. Certain healthcare institution has been studied as a participant in the international tourism market. The study reflexes the relationship between functional policies and the framework of the strategic development program, results of situation analysis and provides arguments for the necessary guidelines for strategic development, first of all, the launch of an updated program for the development of international medical tourism. Despite the in-tense competition in the market, the general hospital has advantages in certain areas of treatment (cardiac surgery and neurosurgery), which are identified as a window of opportunity. The path of the marketing policy is to update maintenance tools for new treatment programs and to launch a campaign to promote international medical tourism services. The segmentation of the market of foreign medical tourists has been implemented, and target segments have been identified. Goals and programs for the implementation of the marketing strategy have been defined. The example of promotion tools shows how part of the marketing mix can be built. Indicators to monitor the achievement of marketing goals have been identified. The different arguments provide a key to understanding the important role of marketing policy in the successful implementation of the strategy and achievement of goals for sales, markets and consumers.
Keywords: marketing policy, international medical tourism, effectiveness, situation analysis, strategy, healthcare institution
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Информация об авторах / About the Authors
Daria I. Khlebovich – Cand. Sci. (Economics), Docent; Associate Professor, Baikal State University, Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 7518-2543. ORCID 0000-0002-8908-2545. Scopus Author ID 57221438850
Aleksandra D. Kasianova – Graduate Student, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN РИНЦ 8422-9829. ORCID 0009-0004-4516-3994
For citation: Khlebovich D.I., Kasianova A.D. Marketing Policy in Supporting the Development of International Medical Tourism: the Case of General Hospital // Beneficium. 2024. Vol. 2(51). Pp. 98-110. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34680/BENEFICIUM.2024.2(51).98-110